
Premium ultrasound unit integrated A.I technology on routine job and intervention.

  • Product Information.
    Model: MyLab™X9.
    Manufacturer: Esaote.
    Original: Italia.
  • Opening infinite horizons in ultrasound.
    Powerful and innovative, MyLab™X9 is the new Esaote X ULTRA™ platform embedding state-of-the-art technologies with top level image quality and exploring infinite horizons in ultrasound imaging. Artificial Intelligence combined with insightful workflow and multimodality comprehensive connectivity drive the radiologist towards new diagnostic frontiers.
  • Clarity, Color, Contrast.
    Driven by the new ultra-engine platform and with non-composite single crystal probe technology and an extraordinary 24” full HD medical-grade LCD monitor by BARCO™ (optional), the MyLab X9 ultrasound system provides excellent image quality and delivers greater image clarity, color, and contrast to support your diagnostic imaging challenges.
  • Insightful Workflow.
    - Focus more on patients and less on parameters with the exclusive easyMode and easyColor intuitive finger-touch image optimization and intelligent algorithms.
    - eScan, eDoppler, AutoOB, and Zeroclick technologies allow to elevate clinical experience.
    - Active technology iQProbe with appleprobe stressless ergonomic experience, high sensitivity matching layers, thermal efficiency, and Single Crystal Technology provide optimal spatial and contrast resolution to achieve top level image quality.
  • MyLab™X9 esaote ultrasound
  • MyLab™X9 esaote ultrasound
  • MyLab™X9 esaote ultrasound
  • MyLab™X9 esaote ultrasound
  • MyLab™X9 esaote ultrasound
  • MyLab™X9 esaote ultrasound
  • MyLab™X9 esaote ultrasound