Hemostasis Scientific Leadership

Haemostasis Scientific Leadership

The primary mission of Stago Group Research & Development (R&D) division is to develop products and solutions (automated analyzers, reagents, consumables, services, etc.) that meets the needs of biomedical scientists and clinicians, with the goal of improving treatment for haemostasis and thrombosis. Working alongside the scientific community, R&D also focuses on identifying and studying new markers and new exploration pathways in the area of IVD and Haemostasis.

Since 1962,  Stago Group has concentrated its attention on biomedical science, specialising in the “emerging” sector of Haemostasis. Thanks to this clear focus, the group is now recognized worldwide as one of the leading players in scientific Haemostasis community.


It is recommended by international guidelines for every laboratory to use Viscosity Based detection systems to improve their results of coagulation tests:

Processing suitable Specimens for Plasma-Based Coagulation Assays:

Some current instruments using an optical end-point determination may have problems with samples that are icteric, lipemic, or it may contain a substance that interferes with the light transmission. Ultracentrifugation has been suggested in some circumstances; however, there are no published studies. In a small, unpublished study of lipemic samples, PT and APTT assays were decreased and fibrinogen levels were increased by about 10% to 15%. Until published studies are performed or the laboratory has validated the procedure, mechanical and/or electromechanical methods for clot detection should be utilized when possible for these samples that are icteric, lipemic, or when it contains substances that interfere with the light transmission.

“From CLSI Guidelines (H21-A5, 2008)”


Recognized by the international scientific community for its essential contribution to advances in Haemostasis, our partner Stago has committed to provide you with the latest relevant information regarding new tests, new markers or key assays in the field of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. These educational sessions are provided by international world-renowned experts in the field.

Automate algorithms in the coag lab _ Expert rules for lupus anticoagulant testing

Recent challenges in laboratory monitoring of heamophilia treatment

Coagulation alterations and management of patients with COVID – 19 infection

More to explore : stagowebinars.com