FibroScan® Mini 430

The ultra mobile non-invasive solution for liver fibrosis assessment

  • Product Information.
    Model: FibroScan® Mini 430. br/> Manufacturer: Echosens.
    Original: France.
  • Stiffness measurement: Fibrosis assessment of Fibroscan®.
    Pioneer in the field of liver elastography. FibroScan® produces biomarkers that can assess and monitor patients over time. FibroScan® uses uniform algorithms that minimize inter-operator variability and eliminate inter-system variability.
  • Stiffness & CAP™ measurements.
    Liver Fibrosis: LSM by VCTE™ is unique, patented, and validated for liver fibrosis assessment. It is the standard for non-invasive evaluation of liver stiffness.
    Liver Steatosis: CAP™ is unique, patented, and validated for liver steatosis assessment.
  • Smart Exam Technology.
    Improve reliability in the diagnosis and monitoring of steatosis with Continuous CAP™. Extend usage among severely obese patients with the deeper assessment of liver fibrosis and steatosis. Dedicate more time to patient care with tasks automation.
  • Accessory: transit case delivered with the device.
    Designed for multi-centers sharing and remote liver patients management.
  • FibroScan® Mini 430
  • FibroScan® Mini 430
  • FibroScan® Mini 430
  • FibroScan® Mini 430